Posts 2022-02-19


@thestyleprescription is one of my long time Instagram homies, a memelord with a heart of gold and a style so fresh that people keep trying to steal his identity to catfish girls (not even joking, & it’s only funny when it’s not happening.) So when he told me he’d like a PICU boy to celebrate his match into Pediatric Intensive Care, you know I had to let him jump the queue!

I don’t know much about PICU as I didn’t get exposed to it in medical school, & so this design was a bit more challenging, but James arose to the challenge! I love PICU Boy. Whenever Peds decides to commission, they’ll definitely be an adorable Mage to stick with the theme!

Stats, full image + more about Pediatric ICU tomorrow!

Medical Magical Persons are available via commission only and sporadically. Want one? Haunt my stories; I announce when I’m hankering to do another!

#medicalmagicalboy #medicalmagicalgirl #magicalboy #magicalgirl #anime #manga #picu #pediatrics #peds #intensivecare #resident #residency #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #premed #premedmotivation #internalmedicine #medschool #medicine #medicalschool #healthcareworkers #md #medstudent #hcw #physician

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