Shirlywhirl, M.D.

A recent study by Crowley, et al found that the standard most considered by Cardiologists is “fit.” Other findings in that study- 31% of respondents didn’t believe diversity improved patient care, 63% didn’t think diversity needed to be increased within their programs (despite 84% coming from programs that had <10% URMs and <33% women.)

People often describe a candidate who fits as someone they’d like to grab a beer with. But what if the person you’re considering doesn’t drink? Who is setting the standard for fit? If programs don’t think increased diversity improves patient care, then will they consider strong candidates who make that the bedrock of their application? Even if they rank them, will they be inviting them into an environment where their interests will be disregarded?

Look- in the larger Cardiology sense, I don’t fit. My interests rarely align with my colleagues’. I look different. I have to explain every word of slang I use and am modulating my speech in ways I haven’t had to since high school. But not fitting means that interns and medical students who don’t “fit” see themselves in me, and therefore in this field. The number of cold emails I’ve gotten asking for advice / mentorship has skyrocketed, and I’m just a fledgling fellow (there’s some commentary on the minority tax here I could go into, but that’s for another day.) If someone like me was looking for “fit,” I’d probably recruit people who could talk about comics, were musicheads, and were passionate about equity.

Oh, and I’m a Hot Girl. 😜

#fit #corporatefit #applicationseason #eras #academicmedicine #academia #residency #minoritytax #cardiology #fellowship #wic #intern #inpatient #doctor #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #premed #internalmedicine #medschool #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #md #medstudent #nurse #physician #webcomic #comic

#Fableticspartner Hi this is a plea for medical trainees to get windows in their workrooms bc I am about to go straight five months without seeing the sun 🌞 pls it is the least hospitals could do, you know, given the cheap/ free/labor

👚: @fabletics 👟: @goclove

#MyFabletics, #MoveInFabletics #goclove #clove #hellodarknessmyoldfriend #sad #residency #cardiology #fellowship #wic #intern #inpatient #doctor #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #premed #internalmedicine #medschool #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #md #medstudent #nurse #physicians

I said I would share these eventually on the main page - and today was weirdly 😩🥴 so… why not start now! Growing up, I loved #scottpilgrimvstheworld #scottpilgrim . My siblings and I watched this movie so many times that we basically have the script memorized. The soundtrack is also 🔥 - Threshold remains a banger, even after all these years. The rest of the movie aged a bit poorly imho, but it still has a place in my heart.

It’s been a while since I’ve had time to do a redraw, but looking back at them makes me want to get into them again. Such good practice, and such a reliable source of dopamine! It was especially fun to come up with movie-aligned versions of my main characters (and their evil exes.)

I have a whole bunch more of these stored up- so stay tuned! #redraw #drawthisinyourstyle #blackart #blackartists #22debuts #debutauthor #onrotation #rickygutierrez #angieappiah #originalcharacter #digitalart #procreate #movieredraw

I started ShirlyWhirl M.D. in my third year of medical school. At the time, I was still a bit shy about sharing my work (not least of all because my sense of humor tends to be… salty.) @linnliu practically forced my hand, but I still wanted to separate my personal identity from my comic drawing one. In large part, I think this was because some part of me still held on to ye olde idea of what it meant to be “ professional” in the medical context. But “professionalism” - which, in my opinion, is a concept that is mostly just wielded to threaten those lower in the medical hierarchy who might speak out against it - has never been my jam. I wear my heart on my sleeve and my hair in locs, I cuss like a sailor and talk to patients like they’re my friends. In my free time, I’d rather tell storytimes about my old flames and talk about anime than pontificate about studies. I’m more proud of my traditional publications than my academic ones. For a while, I felt like I had to hide those aspects of myself. And I’m not going to lie and say that that feeling wasn’t and isn’t constantly validated by the larger medical community (I still don’t feel very comfortable in real life talking about my creative pursuits in medical contexts… a lot of people just don’t understand it / me!)

But I recently decided that it was time to say “screw it!” All of this is who I am, it has always been who I am, and I don’t need to flatten or hide or adjust or code switch to still be valid in all of that. And with my book coming out in less than a year, I want people to see my real face off jump, no scrolling required. So… goodbye semi-anonymizing but cute logo! And hello face!

Pic 2: the OG profile pic, Dec 2016- Jun 2020

Pic 3: the upgrade, Jun 2020- now

Pic 4:me!

#residency #cardiology #fellowship #wic #intern #inpatient #doctor #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #premed #internalmedicine #medschool #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #md #medstudent #nurse #physician #webcomic #comic #22debuts #debutauthors

I have a recurring column on Medscape now! This comic is highly topical considering my current mood on consults. Read the caption here (link in bio and stories too):

A lot of premeds ask for advice in my DMs. It’s been so long since I went through the system, however, that I don’t always feel comfortable doling it out. Thankfully, people like @motivationmd_101 have made mentorship their mission, to the extent that she even wrote a book about it! Her book speaks specifically to minoritized premeds, with an emphasis, on, as the title suggests getting “ Your Mindset Right!”

I’ll be buying three copies of “The PreMed Survival Guide: How to Get Your Mindset Right” for three interested premeds. To get your copy, please send me an email (link in bio, ignore vacation message) explaining what draws you to medicine! First come, first served! And don’t forget to 1) follow @motivationmd_101 and 2) tag your premed friends!

#supportblackcreatives #supportsmallbusiness #residency #cardiology #fellowship #wic #intern #inpatient #doctor #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #premed #internalmedicine #medschool #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #md #medstudent #nurse #physician #webcomic #comic

I think it’s the weather, but lately, I’ve been getting lost in thought a lot. Said thoughts have been circling around my own identity, what my vision for my future genuinely is, how much of my dreams have been mine or are actually the expectations of others, if my goals- to be a writer / artist / Cardiologist / (good) wife / mother are actually sustainable when just one of those is deserving of my full emotional / mental energy, what I should be doing with my eventually high earnings to work for a more hospitable world. Now that I’m in fellowship (and thus have conquered the last major med Ed hurdle), I’ve been trying to hammer down exactly what fulfillment looks like for me, for the people I love, even for people in general.

And yes, I’ve been doing all of this while, rather frequently, donning a slouchy hat. This particular one, my new favorite, was knitted by Laeia, aka @craftymed . Laeia is a Radiology resident who recently matched into Breast Imaging (congratulations Laeia!) who, like me, has realized that she didn’t have to give up her creative / artistic passion at the altar of medicine. Check out her page/ my story for a link to her shop!

#healthcareworkers #hcw #creatives #blackcreatives #blackart #supportsmallbusiness #supportblackbusiness #knitting #crochet #fellowship #wic #residency #intern #inpatient #doctor #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #premed #internalmedicine #medschool #medicine #medicalschool #medstudent #nurse #physician #webcomic #comic

Introducing… OB-Gyn girl! Say thank you to @icdanci for the commission!

Here’s what @icdanci has to say about their career in OB/GYN: Ultimately, this field gives continuity of care with patients where you get to grow with them (particularly if you live in the same area for a longer period of time) so you get to know them pretty closely, but I also get to spend time in the hospital doing tons of procedures and surgeries. I also love that there is a huge mental component to OB/GYN - lots of pts can be anxious about talking about sexual difficulties, past trauma, fear about becoming a first-time parent, postpartum depression, etc so there is a huge mental aspect that I love. I have been there for some very vulnerable times for people that I just met, like diagnosing an IUFD in someone that I met for the first time 2 minutes ago, or being part of the delivery for a family that had experienced recurrent pregnancy loss and seeing the devastating joy…medicine sucks most of the time, but these moments really remind me why the bullshit is worth it.”

#magicalgirl #anime #manga #medicalmagicalgirl #Obstetricsandgynecology #OBgyn #obstetrics #gynecology #gyn #ob #resident #residency #intern #doctor #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #premed #premedmotivation #residency #internalmedicine #medschool #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #md #medstudent #nurse #physician

Who would have thunk that there were so many healthcare workers out there who expressed themselves through comics! The field of #graphicmedicine is small but mighty ; we even have our own conferences !

Thank you Rahel @physiciandoodles for coming up with this idea, and for putting this collab together! Rahel gave us an assignment - “draw yourself as a superhero!” Despite the fact that I draw Magical Girls on a somewhat regular basis (OB-Gyn girl is loading), I found this challenge a bit difficult… until I leaned into my cardiology brain.

Time for me to need out 🤓: The pillars of treatment for heart failure with a reduced ejection fraction are called “guideline directed medical therapy.” They are called this because they are the only drugs that have been shown to reliably reduce mortality & morbidity in patients with heart failure! Over 6 million people in the US have a diagnosis of heart failure, and despite not being a super sexy diagnosis, has a 5 year mortality similar to many types of cancer! Thus, my superhero alter ego harnesses the power of the 4 classes of meds that make up #GDMT- ARNIs, Beta Blockers, SGLT2 inhibitors, and mineralacorticoid receptor antagonists. Patients who aren’t on this potent cocktail of meds have a 37% increased mortality risk over those who are! That’s huge!

Anyway, 🫀 is cool and comics are too.

#cardiology #fellowship #wic #residency #intern #inpatient #doctor #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #premed #internalmedicine #medschool #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #md 1#medstudent #nurse #physician #webcomic #comic

For most of my life, Seasonal Affective Disorder was something I read about and didn’t really experience. It wasn’t until October arrived in my intern year and i started hitting all the SIGECAPS that I realized something was amiss. In retrospect, I spent so much of the winter in medical school holed up with my best friend, skipping lecture to sleep in (watching it later on 1.5 speed), drinking cocoa, and self soothing that I probably didn’t notice. But as a resident, winter meant literally not seeing the sun for weeks at a time, and the effect on my mental health was pretty profound. Winter 2020 was especially harrowing given the pandemic.

Now that I recognize how my brain reacts to the change in seasons, I try my best to prepare. I get my SAD lamp out. Line up my therapy sessions. Am more forgiving of myself and my capabilities during the winter months. I say no more, try to worry less, and pull the people I love close. What do you all do when the SAD starts to hit?

#seasonalaffectivedisorder #sad #depression #mentalhealth #wellness #sadlamp #fellowship #residency #medicine #medicalschool #nursing #healthcare #webcomic #comic

I honestly do not understand how Americans haven’t revolted en masse against private insurance companies. I frequently hear people complaining about Medicare and Medicaid causing bloat…as if hospitals don’t have to hire entire SWAT teams of admin whose only purpose is to force insurance companies to pay up what they’ve promised. Y’all remember when Dr. Glaucomflecken straight up DIED and said that the worst part of the experience has been dealing with insurance companies after he was successfully resuscitated? How many people have stuck with toxic jobs out of fear of losing coverage? How many companies are putting their employees on erratic “part time” schedules to avoid paying for their health insurance? [And this, after we already pay into both Medicare (and, if we’re lucky, private insurance) for our entire working lives.] How many of us are one bad accident or catastrophic diagnosis away from crushing, inescapable debt? How many of us have taken care of patients who have presented late due to fear that they would get a big bill for indigestion?

Anyway, I grew up in #PNHP and @snahp. Shirlywhirl is a “healthcare is a human right” account. In my ideal world, I would treat patients based on evidence, not on insurance coverage.

#healthinsurance #coveragecobra #healthcare4all #medicare4all #healthcareisahumanright #fellowship #wic #residency #intern #inpatient #doctor #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #premed #internalmedicine #medschool #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #md 1#medstudent #nurse #physician #webcomic #comic #patientcare