One question I get asked somewhat regularly is how I feel comfortable being so transparent about my beliefs/ myself. And I think the real answer is - I honestly really love me a lot. The way I see it, I’ve already given a lot to medicine, and so I’m not about to give up what I stand for or sanitize who I am. I realized fairly recently that trying to change myself to placate others didn’t make me happy, and so I… stopped (for better or worse lol.) I know my value, and know what I can contribute.
Not that this isn’t still an ongoing process. My self esteem used to be in the dirt, and one thing that took me a while to do is accept compliments without qualifying them. I occasionally have to beat back my imposter syndrome, and I have a few bad habits to break. The other day, for example , my boss Advanced HF attending told me to stop prefacing my questions with “sorry if this is a dumb question” bc it diminishes myself, and I took that advice to heart bc it IS.
Anyway I’m more humble than this irl but this is indeed what is going on in my head 😎
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