Presenting Orthopedic Surgery Girl (courtesy of!) Dr. Melvin is a PGY4 Orthopaedic Surgery resident (whose insta bio is literally already a magical girl quote hahahah). She says it best:
“Orthopaedic surgery is the best surgical field. From womb to tomb, orthopaedics conditions affect every body. You treat just about every part in the body. The main goals are to alleviate pain, restore function and maintain mobility. Bodies in motion, stay in motion!
Ortho Girl is the most elusive of the magical medical girls (women making up only 14% of residents and only 6% all orthopods, worst of all specialities!) but when found she is quite the dynamo. Compassionate but tough, swift yet precise. She will be there to fix a broken ankle with plates and screws, decompress a crowded carpal tunnel, replace an arthritic hip with shiny metal, repair a torn meniscus, correct congenital feet deformities with serial casting, and even cure cancer. It’s always ortho season so she is ready to rumble both in the OR and in clinic at any given time (although her natural habitat is the operating room).
How does she keep it all straight? Well keepin’ it straight is what OrthoGirl is all about (literally… ortho)!”
Thanks so much for your support,! Ortho Girl was so fun to put together, and such a badass!
A reminder re: Magical Girls — Magical Girls are only available now via commission! SO PLEASE ☺️ DO NOT COMMENT OR MESSAGE ME☺️ SAYING THAT YOU WANT YOUR SPECIALTY TO BE DONE ☺️UNLESS YOU ARE PLANNING TO RUN ME A CHECK😘.
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