Posts 2022-09-06


As medical trainees, we rarely get time to run errands, do groceries, or meal prep. Thus, I’m always looking for ways to simplify my life. Vega Real Food Smoothie is helping me do that nowadays, made with foods like oats and spinach, each smoothie has 20g of protein that helps keep me feeling full. In terms of prep, all you need is a shaker cup, 12 oz of water, and some upper arm strength–perfect for on the go! Want a chance for you & a friend to win the entire Vega Real Food Smoothie line? 1) like this post 2) follow @vegaplantnutrition and 3) tag a friend to enter the giveaway! Otherwise, use my code SHIRLY25, valid this week only, for 25% off any of the Real Food Smoothie products. Happy sipping! @vegaplantnutrition + #KeepGrowing + #Ad

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