Posts 2022-06-22


My launch day was everything I could have imagined. My friend @docblerdyviolinist drove in to join me on the shenanigans, and we ventured around the city, signing books, having laughs, and enjoying good eats!

Thank you to the booksellers at the following locations for sharing in my excitement and helping make yesterday so incredibly special! If you’re in Chicago and would like a signed copy, consider heading to one of these locations to grab one.

@bnclybourn @roscoe_books @madstreetbooks (reminder: my launch event is here at 7pm on June 24!) @bookcellarchicago

👗: @Fabletics Custom 🍾: @linnliu @neftieboni

#MyFabletics, #MoveInFabletics #reading #healthcareworkers #hcws #residency #shirleneobuobi intern #internship #meded #doctor #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #internalmedicine #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #md #medstudent #nurse #physician #webcomic #bookstagram #booktok #blackbooktok #onrotation

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