Posts 2022-02-27


This is going viral on Twitter, so let me post it before somebody else does 😂- I think medicine, and male dominated specialties in particular, loves to valorize women / people who “do it all”- who hunch over surgical tables with 40week bellies, who are constantly available to take on more patients, more cases, more committees. I’m all for personal choice, but so often it feels like self sacrifice is considered a part of the gig.

Next month is Women’s Month, and instead of highlighting the women who give their entire lives to medicine, I would love to identify and highlight the ones who have prioritized life outside of healthcare and found balance. More info… when I’m done with consults.

#healthcareworkers #hcws #residency #cardiology #fellowship #wic #intern #internship #meded #doctor #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #internalmedicine #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #md #medstudent #nurse #physician #webcomic

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