Posts 2022-01-01


In 2021 I…

-Sold my debut novel -Married the love of my life/ half planned a wedding -Graduated IM residency -Started Cardiology fellowship -Traveled to two new countries -Made new friends on the innanets

I also stretched myself to the limit. My highs were high, but my lows were lower than I’d like. But because of this (& with the help of my awesome therapist), I’ve had so many revelations about what my true needs are. What actually gives me joy. And so this year, my 2022 goals aren’t going to be about achievement or productivity. They’re going to be about rest. I’m going to say “no” more, set stronger boundaries, watch more Netflix, and set as few productivity-based goals for myself as possible.

What are your New Year’s Resolutions?

#restisradical #happynewyears #newyearsresolutions #healthcareworkers #hcws #residency #fellowship #wic #intern #inpatient #doctor #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #internalmedicine #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #md #medstudent #nurse #physician

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