Posts 2021-11-22


These are all based off interactions I’ve had in the hospital in the last month or so. As per usual, all the hypothetical patients’ features are changed, so if you think you recognize someone, no you don’t. Jumping ahead to say that for #1 - I love talking to patients about their lives outside their health, but that I’m referring to situations where I am not allowed to do my job bc a patient sees a young woman & therefore a captive audience who must break social norms to proceed with said job.

Being a lady physician is strange. Though the younger generations of medical trainees are more representative of the population, according to the AAMC, only about 36% of practicing physicians identify as women. This breaks down even further when we look at individual fields - only 12.5% of practicing Cardiologists ID as women. In a lot of ways, medicine still feels like a man’s world that women just have to…fit into. (hence, all of the “feel good” messaging showing pregnant doctors doing surgery at 38 weeks… as if working 80+ hours a week is something we would suggest to our patients.)

If you’re a lady and a physician - what micro/macro aggressions do you find yourself dealing with?

#residency #minoritytax #cardiology #fellowship #wic #intern #inpatient #doctor #womeninmedicine #hcw #medstagram #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #premed #internalmedicine #medschool #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #md #medstudent #nurse #physician #webcomic #comic

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