Posts 2021-07-17


First rotation of fellowship done! I spent the last two-ish weeks familiarizing myself with Echos on our “junior imaging” rotation. As part of this, I had to learn how to obtain the images myself, which means that I basically followed the Cardiac Sonographers around like a baby duckling for a week.

First off- mad respect for the skills required to obtain a good echo. I used to order these willy nilly as a resident, and it was eye opening to see just how much training and skill went into actually doing it! These guys made it look easy (it is not lol.) (also the point of care ultrasounds I was getting as a resident were basura lol.) Secondly- they really let me derail them from their work and were so patient with me for the length of my rotation, and I’m so so grateful (also to the patients who let me practice!) Happy to say that my images are not half bad now!

Now… off to consults 🥲

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