Happy Nurse’s Week to all the amazing nurses I work with. Special shoutout to the MICU and now COVID ICU nurses at UCMC, not only did you not gut me for doing things like the above to you back in the day (or lbr now, but at least I know to tell you? ), but you’ve taught me so much about what it takes to be a healthcare provider. There have been times- especially when I’ve needed to feel human, that y’all have provided me that space to cry and laugh and rant about how messed up things are, that my fellow docs couldn’t. And nurses have taught me how desperately doctors need to advocate for ourselves, and that we need not be the bad guys for doing so. Hang in there, and stay safe! #nurse #nursesweek #comic #webcomic #coronavirus #ppe #resident #intern #inpatient #doctor #relatable #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #premed #premedmotivation #residency #internalmedicine #medschool #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #md #medstudent #nurse #physician