Raise your hand if the rhetoric of healthcare workers being heroes is wearing you down? Is it bc it’s blatant social manipulation and a ploy to allow society to dehumanize us/ attempt to keep us from advocating for ourselves? How do you call essential workers ‘heroes’ and simultaneously fail to protect them with adequate ppe or compensate them in some way for additional labor/ bodily harm. I volunteered for COVID. My chiefs have been incredible (they’ve somehow weathered both a nursing strike and a pandemic in one year). I am doing well enough financially that I don’t need hazard pay. But I’m sick of being called a hero, bc I’m not one. I’m a resident who wants to do cardiology who has been conscripted into a war. I am happy to take care of patients, but I don’t need to be thanked for doing my job. I need respect, recognition, and possibly forgiveness for the studen Thanks for coming to my TED talk.