Posts 2019-05-05


U is for Up-to-date. . Ngl, UTD is my best friend, and sometimes I need to pop her open for a quick refresher course on the most basic things and the not so basic ones (I’ve looked up HLH about fifteen times and I forget what it is every time.) . “But shirlene! You should always go to the primary literature!” And yes you right! I try to whenever I can. I also use UTD’s references to get there sometimes. Anyway keep practicing evidence-based medicine y’all! . #hospital #patient #procreate #illustration #webcomic #clinic #uptodate #resident #intern #pgy1 #medicine #inpatient #doctor #relatable #womeninmedicine #blackdoctors #graphicmedicine #premed #premedmotivation #im #residency #internyear #internalmedicine #medschool #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #md #medstudents

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