Posts 2018-09-17


WHAT’S THIS? Two posts, two days in a row??? What the what?? Anyway, i just got off of two weeks of nights, and man was it a struggle! I have an incredibly stubborn circadian rhythm, and so I spent the first week yawning and the second one alert but still struggling with insomnia. One of the best things about nights is that your patient census gets more than quadrupled during the course of it- you’re on call everyday, and provide crosscover for all the cardiology and some of the Gen med teams overnight, so after a couple of days I already knew most of the patients pretty well. Because, well, I’d admitted them. On top of that, I’ve read (slash been pimped on) a million EKGs, and so for once I think my understanding of them will stick.

I’ve got to switch to days tomorrow bc Residency, so I’m going to attempt to stay awake all day today so I can return to the land of the living! Wish me luck!

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