Posts 2018-07-22


I just finished my first inpatient rotation of intern year (and thus, my first month!) You know everyone says the learning curve for interns is crazy steep? They’re not kidding. As a student, I carried a max of 3-4 patients, and my list was curated for me- I got fresh ED admits! I got the “interesting” cases! As an intern, I’m carrying up to 10, handling all aspects of their care, haven’t been shielded from either the mundane or the belligerent, and am 7 days into an 11 day stretch of work with no day off. A girl is tired!! I also had a medical student, the lovely @mariaesp94 , who follows this gram and so already knows what my internal monologue is like. I remember what being an MS3 was like (so bad I had to make a comic page to cope) and really wanted to make sure I didn’t do all the things residents did to me that I thought weren’t productive- plus I wanted to make the best use of her time! Anyway Maria, you did great, go crush the rest of your rotations like you did this one! ❤️ #medschool #medicine #medicalschool #medlife #relatable #medstudent #uchicago #pritzker #preclinicals #womeninmedicine #graphicmedicine #premed #premedmotivation #professionalism #residency #internyear #internalmedicine

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